I saw the movie Old School Rollers last night at City of Praise Church. If you love roller skating, then you will love this movie. It was about a man who retired and wanted to pursue his passion in teaching kids how to skate. Only to find out he would be challenged by some younger men who dont respect elders. New school vs. old school adds a whole new twist in the end.

It was a refreshing film with several messages to give the audience. The film was engaging and keeps your interest throughout the film. The soundtrack and footage gives it that DC flavor. The message touches on what's revelant to the youth today. It speaks on how the men should reach back and mentor them to dream big and don't lose hope. This is a christian based film for all ages. You won't be disappointed.

You can catch Old School Rollers at the AMC Magic Johnson Theater on Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 4pm. Get show tickets -