Friday Nite Funnies was the best!

Being able to celebrate Miss Kris for her bday was great. She is a fun & beautiful spirit! #teamtaurus. Spending time with the the ladies of BWCC in a outing was overall a great and fun experience. Everyone in this collective has amazing energy. We laughed, we joked, we shared stories. It was so good reconnecting with all of the ladies. The comedy show was dope. I experienced a lot of new comedians in the area and each one was hilarious. Last but not least, Seeing my good friend Chico Will. I haven’t seen him in years. That was refreshing end to a wonderful night! Can’t wait for the next one. ~ Breezy, on Instagram
This was truly a soul enhancing experience as one of my favorite things to do is LAUGH! Image my delight when hearing THE BEST full body laugh coming from my sister on my right; seeing the sparkle of joy in the eyes of my sister on my left who has just kicked cancer in the ass; reaching across the table to hold hands and connect with my creative hard working sister; and seeing the beautiful nubian eyes of the baby of the bunch! Above all we were there to celebrate Miss Kris who DID NOT DISAPPOINT when performing her "FORTY SHORTY" birthday dance - multiple times. This was a testimony to the truth that one needs to expand and update your circle of friends as you continue to grow, to reflect where you are in life! ~ Renee, @praiseandpeace on Instagram
Wow. What a night! I had the most amazing time with the ladies of BWCC. My sisters know how to have a great time. It was great to be amongst wonderful ladies and enjoying not only a birthday of Taurus Queen "Miss Krys" but the laughs of the comedians of the show by Jackie L Entertainment was the icing on the cake. We laughed, drank and eat well. The energy was perfect and I was happy to be apart of all the fun. ~ L Boogie, @mslboogie_1 on Instagram
The BWCC Ladies Night Out was a very special outing for me. The ladies came together not only enjoy the sisterhood but to celebrate my 40th birthday. It was so refreshing to hang out with these ladies. They really know how to show a girl a good time….Lol. Thanks for the drinks, food (honey old bay wings...yes) and gifts ladies. It’s nothing like have Sistas that will laugh with you and encourage your antics in the name of fun! And what can I say about our girl, Lynee Monae, she is an awesome host! She broke out with all the line dance and if you know me that’s right up my alley! Kali the Comedian held it down for the ladies. The comics were hilarious! I have not laughed that hard in a long time. Big shout out the Chicken Wings and Comedy Things crew Nev, Mark and our girl Lynee Monae. Shout out Caribgem and for the pre-game party and the chauffeured experience. #teamtaurus. I can’t waiting until the next BWCC ladies night event! ~ Miss Kris, @smartvideogirl on Instagram
I had a GREAT time at our 1st BWCC Ladies Night Out!! It started with pre-gaming with Miss Kris & Natasha at a private location & then being chauffeured to the comedy show. That was the perfect start! It felt so good to laugh with my BWCC sistas & celebrate Miss Kris's 40th born day all in one hilarious night!! One of my favorite moments of the night was when I was standing at the bar waiting to place my drink order, I turn around to see Miss Kris dancing in the front of the room! All I could do was bust out laughing as I watched her have the time of her life. She's always the life of the party. LOL! All of the comedians were funny & I enjoyed the entertainment. At the end of the night, we took a shot with Mark, our W.O.W Radio brother from Chicken Wings & Comedy Things & Blue Skky Promotions. ~ Caribgem, @caribgemspeaks on Instagram

For more information on upcoming comedy shows hosted by Jackie L Entertainment follow them on:
Instagram - @jackie.l.entertainment
Facebook - @JackieLEvents
Follow the ladies of Black Women Connexting Communities on:
Instagram - @blkwomencc
Facebook - @blkwomencc